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Thursday, July 4, 2019

Best Way To Archive Outlook And Gmail Emails

Gmail And Outlook is one of the most important tools in their daily lives. The problem is that most get so many emails that it is hard to keep your inbox organized and not full of random, unnecessary emails. Gmail offers users multiple ways to organize and sort their emails into different folders, tabs, and tags but in a time where Googles search can scan millions of words per second why is it necessary to put so much effort into keeping your Gmail organized?
Luckily, Gmail has an archiving tool that will help you clean up the interface without causing you to spend several days placing each email into a distinct folder.

What is archiving ?

The act of archiving emails in Gmail is taking it and placing it in a folder where it will continue to exist but will no longer be cluttering your inbox. The best part about this is that it will still be accessible in the future if needed. Gmail handles this task fantastically as it allows users to quickly and best way to archive outlook emails.

Best Way To Archive Outlook And Gmail Emails

Taking Gmail as an example, your email consists of Inbox, Sent Mail, Spam, Trash, and Archive.
  • Inbox - Every new non-junk email lands here. You can keep an email here or get rid of it by deleting it or archiving it.
  • Sent Mail - Every email you send to others is saved here.
  • Spam - Junk email goes here automatically.
  • Trash - Every email you delete goes here.
  • Archive - Every email you want to remove from your inbox, but not delete, goes here.

The evolution of email archiving

In the early days of email, companies often relied on users to maintain individual archives outlook emails. The IT department would back up a users email, but searching of messages was not automated. If a specific email needed to be traced, it often took weeks to find it. The emergence of software with specialized email archiving services helps organizations curate data from thousands of mailboxes.

Best Way To Archive Outlook And Gmail Emails

The archiving platform creates a searchable index that allows bulk email to be sifted in minutes. Customers usually obtain an archive outlook emails as part of an integrated software product for backup and disaster recovery, email governance or information lifecycle management, although some vendors offer email archiving as a stand-alone product.

Why you should you archive and Not "Mark as Read"?

Say you are having a conversation with someone and information like an address or phone number is exchanged. At that moment you are able to write down or save anything needed so you decide to delete the conversation as you do not see a point to have it cluttering up your inbox any longer.
By default, you will have the e-mail inbox open ahead of you. Whether or not you use Gmails priority and social tabs or not, this includes unread emails and older emails. you would like some of these, some are for future reference, and a few can be deleted.

Best Way To Archive Outlook And Gmail Emails

But an inbox full of emails you don not need right away is nothing however clutter. Even once you mark an email as browse, it still sits in your inbox. Why force your brain to deal with that?
Archiving emails in outlook removes it from the litter, but stores it safely for the future. In any case, you are additional likely to search out emails with Gmails powerful search than browse through lists of subject lines.
Now imagine some amount of time in which you would have never needed to look back at that conversation or retrieve information from those emails but for some reason, now you do. If you deleted the email thread, you would not be able to look back and easily find what you are looking for. If you archive outlook emails, you will no longer have to see it sitting in your inbox but will also have the peace of mind knowing that if you need to, a quick search will bring it back to you.

How to Archive a Message ?

  • For Desktop - Click the Archive button at the top of any message. Or select multiple messages and click the Archive button. Or tap "E" to use the Gmail keyboard shortcut for Archive.
  • For iOS - Tap the Archive button in any message. Or select multiple messages in inbox and tap the Archive button.
  • For Android -
    • Go to Menu.
    • Go the Settings.
    • Now click on General Settings.
    • Gmail Default Action and choose Archive (instead of Delete).
  • Now, in inbox view, swipe any message left or right to Archive it. Or select multiple messages and tap the Archive button. Or tap the Archive button in any message.

How to archive outlook emails in Gmail on android

There are 3 fast and best way to archive outlook emails. Two of these methods are for archiving emails in outlook and therefore the third is a way to select multiple emails and archive them for later use.

Best Way To Archive Outlook And Gmail Emails

The best way to archive outlook emails is to swipe it away or hold on click while looking at the list read of all of your emails in your inbox. Since most android users are used to accessing the navigation drawer from swiping from the left edge of the screen, it is simple to accidentally send emails off to be archived. Luckily, right when swiping an email away, Gmail allows you to undo your action simply by pressing an undo button that seems for many moments when archiving emails in outlook.
In Gmails settings you can quickly turn this feature off if you are doing it a lot on accident or simply don not have a requirement for the feature. To do this, open up the navigation drawer, scroll all the way down to the bottom wherever settings is found, enter general settings, and therefore the possibility second from the highest can provide you with the selection to show on or off "swipe to archive".
The second best way to archive outlook emails is whereas viewing a personal message thread. Once you have got finished reading the contents of an email you are greeted with many choices on the taskbar. One in all the multiple icons waiting for you is one that seems to be a box with an arrow inform down. This is the archive button.
If you choose this whereas viewing the email, you may be remand to your inbox and a status will seem at the bottom of your screen for many seconds telling you that the email was archived. If you probably did not mean to archive an email, once more there is an undo button that you can select to bring your email back to its original location.

Best Way To Archive Outlook And Gmail Emails

Finally, if you are going through your inbox and decide it is time to really clean it up, the last method can create this fast and easy to do. Whereas looking at your inbox within the list read, you can click on the senders image (normally a coloured box with the first letter of the senders name inside it) or long maintain an email to select it.
Continue the method of choosing a lot of emails and once everything you would like archived is selected, click on the same box icon with the downward facing arrow that is sitting within the taskbar. Similar to the last method, right when archiving emails in outlook, a status can seem at the bottom of the screen informing you that you just archiving emails in outlook and provides you the option to undo your action.

Best Way To Archive Outlook And Gmail Emails

If you are ever troubled that you just may accidentally archive or delete any emails by any of the above methods, Gmail allows you to show on a feature that adds another step to archiving or deleting emails. This authorization adds a pop-up panel that seems once you attempt to delete or archive outlook emails which can ask for a confirmation that you do in fact need to complete your chosen action.

Best Way To Archive Outlook And Gmail Emails

To turn this on, open the navigation drawer, scroll all the way down to settings, select general settings, and at the bottom of the menu there are 2 checkboxes to change confirmation before deleting and archiving.

Best Way To Archive Outlook And Gmail Emails

Additionally, all of your archived emails are located in the "All Mail" folder which can be found in navigation drawer. Emails are not organized once archived but if you need quick access to a recently archived email, it will be near the top of the list.


Sunday, May 12, 2019

Best Information Gathering Tool/Vulnerability Scanner - RED HAWK V2

RED HAWK - Best Information Gathering Tool On Kali Linux 2017.1 | All In One Tool in Kali Linux Tools RED HAWK - All In One Tool For Information Gathering, SQL Vulnerability Scannig and Crawling.
It is the most crucial part for any hacker or pentester to perform a hack or simulate a hack.Information gathering mainly consist of

To know more about information gathering visit this page Information Gathering
There are many information gathering tools available over GitHub and over the internet out of that many ones is RED HAWK

Features Of The Tool :

Scans That You Can Perform Using RED HAWK :

  • Basic Scan
  • Site Title NEW
  • IP Address
  • Web Server Detection IMPROVED
  • Grab Banners IMPROVED
  • Subnet Calculator
  • IP Address
  • Hostname
  • Bloggers View NEW
  • HTTP Response Code
  • Site Title
  • Alexa Ranking
  • Domain Authority
  • Page Authority
  • Social Links Extractor
  • Link Grabber
  • Sensitive Files Crawling
  • Version Detection
  • Version Vulnerability Scanner

Lets Start With Best Information Gathering Tool/Vulnerability Scanner

Step 1 :- You need to download RED_HAWK tool by executing this command in terminal window of kali linux
git clone

Best Information Gathering Tool/Vulnerability Scanner -   RED HAWK V2

Step 2 :-Now downloading of RedHAWK tool will start and after that you can see a RedHAWK file , so you need to wait for downloading it completely . and Now again go to terminal window of kali linux and execute this command cd Red_HAWK
Now to install this tool in kali linux, to install this tool first we have to give chmod permision. Type the command for this chmod +x rhawk.php and press enter button.
Now you can run this tool easily, that give this command php rhawk.php and press enter button.

Best Information Gathering Tool/Vulnerability Scanner -   RED HAWK V2

Step 3 :- Enter the website name you want to scan and type its protocol option.

Best Information Gathering Tool/Vulnerability Scanner -   RED HAWK V2


How To Install PentBox Tools On Kali Linux | Penetration Tool

The Pentbox is a safety kit containing various tools for streamlining PenTest conducting a job easily. It is programmed in Ruby and oriented to GNU / Linux, with support for Windows, MacOS and every systems where Ruby is installed.

New features :-

  • Command execution in gets (STDIN) implemented. (!command)
  • Honeypot now shows attacker’s IP and port (thx Shyish)
  • Included log options.
  • Wordlist is bigger now.
  • Included "back" option on menus.

New tools :-

  • Included new area, Web tools.
  • Included new module MAC address geolocation (
  • Included new module HTTP directory bruteforce .
  • Included new module HTTP common files bruteforce.
  • Included exploits for DoS.

Main Features :-

Network tools :-

Lets Start With Install PentBox Tools | Penetration Tool

Step 1. got to the github.

How To Install PentBox Tools On Kali Linux | Penetration Tool

Step 2. You need to download PentBox tool by executing this command in terminal window of kali linux
git clone
How To Install PentBox Tools On Kali Linux | Penetration Tool

Step 3. Now downloading of PentBox tool will start and after that you can see a PentBox file , so you need to wait for downloading it completely . and Now again go to terminal window of kali linux and execute this command cd PentBox
Now to install this tool in kali linux, to install this tool first we have to give chmod permision. Type the command for this chmod +x pentbox.rb and press enter button.
Now you can run this tool easily, that give this command ./pentbox.rb and press enter button.

How To Send Mass Email on Kali Linux || Mass Mailer - Trity

Trity is an advanced pentesting framework dedicated to everything from vulnerability testing to cryptography.


  • Python latest version
  • Sendmaiil, build-essential & git
  • Linux OS. Kali linux, LTS, Debian-Jessie, Ubuntu and other.

Installation & Usage :-

In order to install this program, it is crucial that you are on a Linux-based distro, preferably Kali-Linux or BackBox.

Lets Start With How To Send Mass Email on Kali Linux || Mass Mailer

Step 1 :-You need to download Trity tool by executing this command in terminal window of kali linux
git clone
How To Send Mass Email on Kali Linux || Mass Mailer - Trity

Step 2 :- Now downloading of Trity tool will start and after that you can see a Trity file , so you need to wait for downloading it completely . and Now again go to terminal window of kali linux and execute this command cd Trity
Now to install this tool in kali linux, to install this tool first we have to give chmod permision. Type the command for this chmod +x and press enter button.
Now you can run this tool easily, that give this command sudo python and press enter button.

How To Send Mass Email on Kali Linux || Mass Mailer - Trity

Step 3 :-Finished Installing ! Run trity to run program.

How To Send Mass Email on Kali Linux || Mass Mailer - Trity

Penetration Testing Tools & Application Installing - KaaisV3

KAAIS is written in BASH Language, which makes it usable on almost any Linux platform, however, it was designed to work under Kali Linux only, and we do not offer support for any other distro or platform.
You can use KAAIS to install many applications (text image and sound editors, browsers, ftp applications, and more..), to update some applications that come with Kali by default ( WPScan, JoomScan, and more..), to update your ‘sources.list to a custom one made by our team (this will also create a backup of your existing sources), and much more..

Lets Start With Penetration Testing Tools & Application Installing

Step 1 :-Get the github link for download the Kaaisv3.

Penetration Testing Tools & Application Installing - KaaisV3

Step 2 :-You need to download Kaaisv3 tool by executing this command in terminal window of kali linux
git clone
Penetration Testing Tools & Application Installing - KaaisV3

Step 3 :-Now downloading of KaaisV3 tool will start and after that you can see a CyberPrep file , so you need to wait for downloading it completely . and Now again go to terminal window of kali linux and execute this command cd CyberPrep
Now to install this tool in kali linux, to install this tool first we have to give chmod permision. Type the command for thischmod +x and press enter button.
Now you can run this tool easily, that give this command ./ and press enter button.

Generate Undetectable Payload, Backdoor with MsfVenom - FatRat

An easy tool to generate backdoor and easy tool to post exploitation attack like browser attack,dll . This tool compiles a malware with popular payload and then the compiled malware can be execute on windows, android, mac . The malware that created with this tool also have an ability to bypass most AV software protection .
Bypassing the Anti-Virus or Security Software will allow for a Metasploit session between the attacker and the target without Anti-Virus detecting the malicious payload and flagging a warning back to the user.

Features of TheFatRat :

  • It can create backdoors for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android.
  • Bypass Antivirus Software Protection.
  • Multiple meterpreter listeners can be started using it.
  • Also can create autorun script.
  • The generated backdoors can be bound with MS word, PDF, RAR file etc.

Automating Metasploit Functions :

  • Create backdoor for windows , linux , mac and android
  • bypass antivirus backdoor
  • Checks for metasploit service and starts if not present
  • Checks for metasploit service and starts if not present
  • Start multiple meterpreter reverse_tcp listners
  • Fast Search in searchsploit
  • Bypass AV
  • File pumper
  • Create backdoor with another techniq
  • Auto run script for listeners ( easy to use )
  • Drop into Msfconsole

Requirements :

  • Linux Distrubtion of you choice.
  • TheFatRat
  • Metasploit

Lets Start With Generate Undetectable Payload, Backdoor with MsfVenom

Step 1.Type 1 for create a backdoor with msfvenom

Generate Undetectable Payload, Backdoor with MsfVenom

Step 2.Type 2 for Windows

Generate Undetectable Payload, Backdoor with MsfVenom

Step 3.Set LHOST and LPORT.

Generate Undetectable Payload, Backdoor with MsfVenom


Create Payload Windows,Android,Linux and MAC - Ezsploit

Ezsploit – Linux bash script automation for metasploit, which is use to create payload for multiple platform (Windows, Linux, Android, Mac). as well as we can start multiple listeners at a same time.

Command line script for automating metasploit functions

  • Checks for metasploit service and starts if not present
  • Easily craft meterpreter reverse_tcp payloads for Windows, Linux, Android and Mac
  • Start multiple meterpreter reverse_tcp listners
  • Assistance with building basic persistence options and scripts

Lets Start With Create Payload Windows,Android,Linux and MAC

Step 1 :-You need to download ezsploit tool by executing this command in terminal window of kali linux
git clone
Create Payload Windows,Android,Linux and MAC - Ezsploit

Step 2 :-Now downloading of ezsploit tool will start and after that you can see a ezsploit file , so you need to wait for downloading it completely . and Now again go to terminal window of kali linux and execute this command cd ezsploit
Now to install this tool in kali linux, to install this tool first we have to give chmod permision. Type the command for this chmod +x and press enter button.
Now you can run this tool easily, that give this command ./ and press enter button.

Create Payload Windows,Android,Linux and MAC - Ezsploit

Step 3 :-Now a screen will come having many option like payload, listen,exploit,persistence and many more option you will see there.

Create Payload Windows,Android,Linux and MAC - Ezsploit

Step 4 :- Now here you need to first choose you are going to create the payload for type 1 .

Create Payload Windows,Android,Linux and MAC - Ezsploit

Step 5 :- Now here you need to first choose you are going to create the payload for which operating system , i mean windows, linux or android .Now i assume that you are going to create the payload for android device the execute the associated number like 1 (Window is on fourth position among the rest option).

How To Install Vulnerability assessment tool - NetZapper

Net-Zapper is a vulnerability assessment and brute force password cracking tool written in python v2.7.

It requires various libraries to be downloaded for python and are listed below:
  • Scapy
  • itertools
  • paramiko
  • colorama
All above mentioned libraries are installed by default in Kali Linux. For other OS libraries should be downloaded and installed using pip install and easy_install.
Net-Zapper can be used for host discovery,ports scanning , os detection and brute force ,password cracking including passwords dictionary creation based on custom character set. Default character set for passwords dictionary is set to chars [a-z] .

Lets Start With Install Vulnerability assessment tool

Step 1 :- Download or a clone from Github.
git clone https://gith*
How To Install Vulnerability assessment tool - NetZapper

Step 2 :-Give a Execution writes ,permissions and Install it.
chmod +x
How To Install Vulnerability assessment tool - NetZapper

Step 3 :-Eneter Choice 1 for Hosts Discovery

How To Install Vulnerability assessment tool - NetZapper


Website Information Gathering On Kali Linux - Whatweb

We can gather information manually too but in this tutorial we will be using a tool in kali linux called " WhatWeb " for information gathering and via this whatweb tool we will be able to collect a tasty information about our targeted server and web application. This tool will dump all the important information which is necessary to launch our attack.
Whatweb offers both passive scanning and aggressive testing. Passive scanning just extracts data from HTTP headers simulating a normal visit. Aggressive options get deeper with recursion & various types of queries & identify all technologies just like a vulnerability scanner.
So a pentester can use this tool as both a recon tool & vulnerability scanner. There are various other features like proxy support, scan tuning, scanning a range of IPs, spidering etc.

Whatweb can identify all sorts of information about a live website, like:

  • Platform
  • CMS platform
  • Type of Script
  • Google Analystics
  • Webserver Platform
  • IP address, Country
  • Plugins & their libraries used
  • Server Headers, Cookies and a lot more.

Lets Start With Website Information Gathering - Whatweb

Step 1.Open the terminal in Kali Linux and type whatweb

Website Information Gathering  - Whatweb


How To Scan a Website For Vulnerabilities (XSS & Sqlinjection)

D-TECT is an All-In-One Tool for Penetration Testing. This is specially programmed for Penetration Testers and Security Researchers to make their job easier, instead of launching different tools for performing different task. D-TECT provides multiple features and detection features which gather target information and finds different flaws in it.


  • Any platform using Python 2.7


  • Python 2.7
  • Modules(included): Colorama, BeautifulSoup

Features :-

  • Sub-domain Scanning
  • Port Scanning
  • Wordpress Scanning
  • Wordpress Username Enumeration
  • Wordpress Backup Grabbing
  • Sensitive File Detection
  • Same-Site Scripting Scanning
  • Click Jacking Detection
  • Powerful XSS vulnerability scanning
  • SQL Injection vulnerability scanning

Lets Start With Scan a Website For Vulnerabilities

Step 1 :- Download and clone from github
git clone
 How To Scan a Website For Vulnerabilities (XSS & Sqlinjection)

Step 2 :- Now Run It.
python ./
 How To Scan a Website For Vulnerabilities (XSS & Sqlinjection)

Best Way To Archive Outlook And Gmail Emails

Gmail And Outlook is one of  the most important tools in their daily lives. The problem is that most get so many emails that it is hard to...