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Sunday, May 12, 2019

Create Payload Windows,Android,Linux and MAC - Ezsploit

Ezsploit – Linux bash script automation for metasploit, which is use to create payload for multiple platform (Windows, Linux, Android, Mac). as well as we can start multiple listeners at a same time.

Command line script for automating metasploit functions

  • Checks for metasploit service and starts if not present
  • Easily craft meterpreter reverse_tcp payloads for Windows, Linux, Android and Mac
  • Start multiple meterpreter reverse_tcp listners
  • Assistance with building basic persistence options and scripts

Lets Start With Create Payload Windows,Android,Linux and MAC

Step 1 :-You need to download ezsploit tool by executing this command in terminal window of kali linux
git clone
Create Payload Windows,Android,Linux and MAC - Ezsploit

Step 2 :-Now downloading of ezsploit tool will start and after that you can see a ezsploit file , so you need to wait for downloading it completely . and Now again go to terminal window of kali linux and execute this command cd ezsploit
Now to install this tool in kali linux, to install this tool first we have to give chmod permision. Type the command for this chmod +x and press enter button.
Now you can run this tool easily, that give this command ./ and press enter button.

Create Payload Windows,Android,Linux and MAC - Ezsploit

Step 3 :-Now a screen will come having many option like payload, listen,exploit,persistence and many more option you will see there.

Create Payload Windows,Android,Linux and MAC - Ezsploit

Step 4 :- Now here you need to first choose you are going to create the payload for type 1 .

Create Payload Windows,Android,Linux and MAC - Ezsploit

Step 5 :- Now here you need to first choose you are going to create the payload for which operating system , i mean windows, linux or android .Now i assume that you are going to create the payload for android device the execute the associated number like 1 (Window is on fourth position among the rest option).


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